Monday, July 27, 2009

Kere Kere Coffee: A Social Enterprise which gives gives jobs to young people in trouble

Kere Kere Coffee is a social enterprise located on campus at Melbourne University. It is a small cafe which serves coffees and muffins to students and staff on campus. The social aspect? Kere Kere employs troubled youth, giving them 12 months of experience and professional training. Also the cafe allows customers to choose where the profits from their cup of coffee goes; they can be contributed to a bunch of charities (enviro, social etc.) or given to the owner for his troubles.

Kere Kere has been a huge success, much thanks to the hard work of founder and owner James Murphy. James, a mate of mine, is passionate about social enterprise and giving people opportunities through a sustainable business.

James is planning to launch more cafes in the near future, possibly at other university campuses and around Melbourne.

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